Why Visiting the Gynecologist Is Important to Your Health

A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in the reproductive health of females. When you go to see this woman specialist, you are taking control of your body and being responsible about your sexual health. This is an important step in learning all you can about your reproductive system. It provides an ideal environment for asking questions you have about sexuality with a medical focus. While your family doctor can help you with gynecological issues, seeing a specialist in the field is strongly recommended, especially once you have become sexually active.
Going to see a new practitioner regarding a private and intimate part of your body can be stressful. Knowing that the appointment is significant to your present and future level of health makes a tremendous difference and can help to alleviate some of the anxiety you may experience as you contemplate the visit to the woman’s only doctor.
Seeing a gynecologist assists you in understanding your body and how to take good care of it. This physician can also help you to distinguish between what is normal and what is not. For instance, if you notice any changes in your vagina and think that your body is showing signs of a vaginal infection, the physician can check you over and let you know what is going in. If you are not sure what a normal discharge looks like, the gynecologist will explain it to you and will let you know if you have any symptoms that your discharge is on the abnormal side.
By being proactive and seeing the doctor on a regular basis, he or she can detect the early onset of problems and can provide the necessary treatment. If there is a condition that needs to be treated, seeing a health professional at the first sign of trouble will prevent it from getting worse.
If you have questions about birth control, the gynecologist will be able to educate you on how to prevent pregnancy and which methods would be most fitting for you. She will be able to teach you about how to protect yourself from contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s).
As your body changes during puberty and into adulthood, your female only provider can help you every step of the way. Building a professional relationship with your sexual health professional over the years will help you to better understand your body and your health. Feeling comfortable enough to have exams and to ask questions of an embarrassing nature will let you know that you have chosen the right specialist for your reproductive needs.
It has been recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists that teenage girls first begin seeing this type of medical care professional anywhere between the ages of 13 and 15 years of age. This is a good time to start learning as much as you can about your body in preparation for the things that are to come in your reproductive and sexual future.