How Understanding Your Sexual History Can Help You Stop Premature Ejaculation Fast

A thorough medical history is a necessity for medical disorders and although rapid climax is a mental condition, it will serve you well to clarify all the factors of your sexual history as this usually prove very helpful in arriving at a treatment plan to stop premature ejaculation.
Primary and Secondary Ejaculation
A good place to start is to identify whether your condition is classified primary or secondary. Persons classified under primary early ejaculation have had the condition since they became capable of functioning sexually, while those who previously experienced an acceptable level of ejaculatory control but now find themselves experiencing rapid ejaculation are classified secondary. As a reported condition, delaying premature ejaculation is easier to achieve in secondary rapid climax than in the lifelong or primary cases but with determination and correct information in either case, a solution is certain.
Another factor in your history you want to consider will be psychological difficulties. Medical surveys reveal that psychiatric conditions are more common in males with primary premature climax than the general population. Did you have a traumatic sexual episode as a child or teenager like been discovered by a parent during masturbation, which resulted in you been threatened or punished? Did you have a strict religious upbringing which, maybe, had a wrong perspective about sex? How would you rate the other part of your relationship with your partner that is not sex related? These questions can reveal the deep-seated guilt and shame that could be lurking in a your mind for years and which re-surface mentally whenever the issue of sex arises. There are a host of other questions you may use to unearth all your sexual misconceptions just by following the examples of the questions above.
It would appear to be a natural decision for you to look for a GP or a clinic that specializes in the condition at this point. If you are comfortable with that then by all means find a well-trained sex therapist, but it is important for you to make an informed decision. Realize that medical science has not yet perfected a quick, easy and permanent cure. This means that many so called doctors are able to make a quick buck by charging thousands for typical over the counter potions and advice. My advice to you is to do your own research and save yourself a lot of time and money.