How to Get a Woman Charged Up Sexually – Four Killer Techniques to Boost Her Desire For You

One key element that some men are great at would be building up some sexual energy. Men who cannot produce sexual energy practically have no chances of getting numbers or dates with women and that’s a fact. Without sexual energy, women will not feel connected to men; know that. However, there are certain secrets in producing powerful sexual energy through mere conversation that you can use to help. Read on…
How To Get A Woman Charged Up Sexually – Four Killer Techniques To Boost Her Desire For You
Technique 1: Sensual Gazes. Whenever you talk to a woman, begin to concentrate on her right eye. Then, look at her mouth before concentrating on her left eye. Subconsciously, this will clue her in on the fact that you want to lock lips. If you get that kiss, it will only be a matter of time until she allows some intimate touching and some sex.
Technique 2: Playful Teases. This would be a guaranteed way to build up that conversational sexual energy. To succeed in this, you need to tease her playfully and concentrate on nothing but her actions. Do not tease her about her looks, though, since this could greatly destroy any chances you have with a woman. Other than that, teasing can make a woman frustrated and make her anticipate having sex with you.
Technique 3: Masculinity. Are you a real man? If so, do not be ashamed of it. A lot of men feel the need to hide their intentions with women. By doing this, however, they end up looking like creeps.
If you have manly desires, do not feel bad about them. Instead, channel your sexual energy into conversations and exude it in the way you talk and move. One guaranteed way to nail this technique down is known as fractionation. Taken from hypnosis, this seduction formula has the ability to make women fall for men quite fast – in less than 15 minutes. It is highly powerful, though, so ensure that you put it to use ethically.
Technique 4: Make Her Orgasm – Using Your Voice. This might sound strange to you, but there is a method where you can make a woman reach climax – using only your voice. This technique, using some simple Neuro Linguistic Programming (or better known as NLP) anchors, enables you to “instruct” a woman to climax. Explosive stuff indeed.
Imagine the power that you will have if you are able to make a woman orgasm just by TELLING her. You can make her have the climax of her life even if you are only engaging in phone sex with her! With the exact method to make a woman orgasm using your voice easily attainable, you will be able to make any woman sexually satisfied with you easily.