What Is The Natural Cure for Over Masturbation Effects?

Over masturbation can pose serious threat to sexual health, natural treatment is the best way to cure as these are not only effective but free of any side effects. Over masturbation or excessive hand practice can affect a person’s health in many ways as it promotes similar activity in the body which a normal sexual activity does but since it is not the natural way to satisfy sexual desires and people tend to over do it, it creates problems. For getting rid of all the effects completely one needs to choose a way which can address all the possible triggers of the problems.
Herbal supplements are the best natural cure for the ill effects of over masturbation and also for curing other sexual disorders. Herbs like Shilajit have rich medicinal properties which are extremely effective in curing the ill effects of over masturbation. Shilajit is called a mineral pitch because it comes out of stones in the mountains and contains vital nutrients and minerals which are not available in such ample quantity through normal diet. It also supplements the body with essential amino acids which are vital not only for curing the effects but also to promote sound over all mental and physical health.
Shilajit can cure problems like swelled prostrate gland, distressed liver, hormonal imbalance, weak nervous system, sexual exhaustion, low libido and fatigue. It is the best herb to improve energy and strength for better sexual performance and also to improve mental health for controlling emotions and healthy sexual behavior. This herb is available in form of capsules and pills and it can also be consumed in raw form. The dosage of this herb shall be worked out in an expert’s guidance. One can take Shilajit along with NF Cure capsules for faster results.
Reducing the frequency of masturbation within healthy limits is another most important part of the natural treatment to cure effects of over masturbation. Within healthy limits masturbation is good for health but if the frequency goes beyond the tolerance limit of the body then it shows its ill effects. It is considered that 2-3 times a week is the healthy number for an adult to masturbate. Keeping erotic thoughts, fantasies, literature and movies away and keeping mind engaged in some interesting work when one is free is the best way of reducing the frequency of masturbation.
Increased intake of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, consuming diet having rich sources of zinc and carbohydrate is very helpful in overcoming effects of excessive hand practice naturally. Mild exercises are very helpful in keeping the mind and body stress free as exercises increase metabolism rate which is supportive to the effects of Shilajit and NF Cure capsules and promotes sound sleep. Yoga poses like lotus posture, uddiyana bandha, matsya asana, hala asana, viprit karani and sarvang asana are very helpful in promoting sexual energy and maintaining it for longer duration in life. Combination of all these can provide the best natural cure for all the problems initiated due to over masturbation and all the possible ailments in males and females both. Herbs like Ashwagandha, mucuna pruriens, butea superba are also good in treating sexual weaknesses caused due to over masturbation.