The Symptoms of Alcoholism
Alcoholism is prevalent in all areas of the world where alcohol is used as a beverage. This powerfully addictive drug has often been proven to be a fatal drug. Alcohol is responsible for many deadly cancers and other diseases. But the deadly effects of alcohol are felt more acutely in its impairing effects on the mind because a large portion of its victims are not the ones who drink alcohol.
As many as 120,000 deaths per year in North America are a direct result of alcohol consumption. But even for those who use alcohol and do not die from it, there are many life altering consequences. In fact, most of us in society have suffered grave consequences from alcohol consumption in the form of broken families, abuse, lost loved ones on the roads, lost loved ones from disease, economic damages from missed work and damaged goods, and a variety of other things that can happen when we give up our judgement and willpower.
There are many alcohol addiction symptoms. One of the first symptoms that an individual is addicted to alcohol is that they have an increased need in consuming this ingredient. If that person is unable to consume an alcoholic beverage, they may display apparent signs of irritability. The craving for this substance becomes so strong, that a person who is addicted to it may actually loss control of their temper. Once they are able to drink again, they may not be able to control exactly how much alcohol that they consume. Normally, the amount that one requires will be more and more each time that they drink.
When an individual is displaying addiction symptoms related to alcohol, it is not uncommon for them to become physically ill, or experience physical withdrawal symptoms. This may include physical anxiety, vomiting, nausea, and similar symptoms. Many also experience episodes in which they are unable to remember certain things that they have done, or said. An individual experiencing this type of memory lapse may be unable to recall entire events, time periods, and more. Alcohol has devastating effects on an individual, mentally and physically.
Many people, who suffer from alcoholism, will display a general lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyed. They may actually become withdrawn socially. When others approach the alcoholic in regards to the addiction symptoms that are being displayed, that person may come up with excuses for their behavior, or they may lash out. Many individuals displaying addiction symptoms that have been noticed by others will start to drink while they are alone, or may purposely hide their drinking activity. Alcoholics are generally annoyed when questioned about their drinking habits.
It is not unusual for individuals who are addicted to alcohol to develop health-related problems. These problems may include difficulties with the heart, liver problems, medical conditions that affect the brain, and the central nervous system may be affected as well. In addition to these medical problems, an alcoholic may develop other types of addictions. These addictions may include smoking tobacco, prescription drug medication addictions, illegal drug addictions, and various other addictions.
Alcohol addiction symptoms can be displayed in other areas of an individual’s life as well. Many alcoholics will develop personal problems. This includes problems with the relationships that they share with family members and friends. These individuals may develop a violent streak, and may show the signs of being quick tempered. Alcohol addiction symptoms may also include having complications at work. An individual may not perform work with the same quality and motivation that they once did. In addition to this, absenteeism may become an issue. Many individuals even develop legal complications in their lives. This may include financial problems, driving while under the influence of alcohol, and even domestic violence charges.
If you recognize one of the above symptoms of alcoholism in your life or the life of another, pay close attention. If you recognize two or more of the above symptoms of alcoholism, start asking questions and being even more observant. If you recognize three or more of the above symptoms of alcoholism, offer your support and seek professional help immediately.