Sleep Disorders and Dysfunctions

Sleep disorders are serious because sleep is important. Having a healthy sleep life helps provide healthy life. Nevertheless, many suffer from sleep disorders and there are many types of sleep disorders making them lose sleep.
If you have a serious disorder it is vital to treat your condition. Resting helps you in your overall health because you rest your body and it gives time to rejuvenate. It also allows you to relax and gain energy. Discuss your situation with your physician especially if it is a growing concern. If you feel fatigue, have frequent trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, memory loss, blurred vision, slurred speech or irritability. Giving your doctor all the information you can will help them make a diagnosis and get the restful sleep you deserve. Often such disorders can be treated.
Your doctor could do a study where they will actually observe your sleeping patterns, they might put a monitor on you or they could have you keep a diary. Whatever the doctor decides to do it will help them make a proper diagnosis and present the perfect treatment for you. The three major types of sleep disorders are apnea, insomnia and restless legs syndrome (RLS). Even though there are many other forms of sleeping disorders these three are the widest known and suffered.
Apnea is a dangerous sleeping disorder when sleep is disrupted with serious breathing issues. People stop breathing several times a night and these episodes can last up to a minute. Some individuals have such a serious case that it could be life threatening. Those suffering from sleep apnea will need a CPAP machine to help them to breathe continually so they will not lack oxygen.
When a person has insomnia they don’t have a restful sleep. They could be awake in bed for hours only to lose those hours of sleep or they might not sleep at all and watch the sun come up. A person could go days without sleeping and even go weeks without much sleep. The main symptoms of insomnia are having trouble sleeping which could mean not falling asleep, waking up early or waking up and not being able to fall asleep again. It could be caused by stress, anxiety and emotional issues. A treatment for these is resolving the source or learning relaxation techniques.
Then it is difficult to sleep with RLS because this sleeping disorder makes it difficult to be comfortable. Their legs have pain and tingling. These symptoms usually occur at night or when sitting down.