Sleep Deprivation Statistics – Untreated Sleep Disorders Are a Health Concern For People of All Ages

Everyone has trouble sleeping at different times throughout their life. It is not a big problem if occurrences are minimal and easily resolved with changes in sleep habits or your sleep environment. Sleep deprivation is a symptom that can be caused by something as minor as bad sleeping habits to larger problems including sleep disorders. People do not get a good solid sleep for many reasons. The pressure and stress of modern society is almost always a contributor. Projects at work can take their toll along with relationship problems and the desire to fit fun activities into your already fully scheduled day. Whatever the causes are, sleep deprivation statistics show that leaving these symptoms untreated can lead to more serious health conditions and affect the quality of life you have.
Sleep is not only important, but a necessity for people of all ages. Your body uses the time spent sleeping to repair and refresh both your body and brain. When you are not getting enough rest, it creates an imbalance that affects various aspects of your health. You are more likely to deal with premature aging, develop chronic diseases, and have a weakened immune system. Currently, there are seventy known sleep disorders that can cause sleep deprivation. They have been found in infants, toddlers, adolescents, and adults. Each stage of life is subject to certain sleep disorders and other problems caused by them.
Sleep apnea is one disorder than is very dangerous if left untreated. The airway between the nose and lungs becomes partially blocked or collapses. Women are very susceptible to this condition after menopause. They may experience lighter sleep, frequent waking, insomnia, and night sweats. All of these symptoms due to their current condition can lead to disorders and sleep deprivation. Once a woman has went through menopause, their decreased levels of estrogen affect the muscle tone in their airway and the chances of it collapsing during sleep become higher. Sleep apnea affects approximately 11{f19aa3268e0de58f68955454d58a1a58d35e804fdb04b2f57dd6dc7aad4ec259} of children and can lead to academic problems, social problems, and conditions like ADHD. Apnea is very common among commercial drivers. Anyone who is overweight is at a higher risk as well. Common treatments include PAP therapy, oral appliance therapy, and weight management.
As we age sleep deprivation is more likely. Sleep patterns change and aging adults spend more time in the lighter stages of sleep. Many factors contribute to these changes including genetics and environmental factors. Falling asleep takes longer and you awaken easier. This results in fragmented sleep. Sleep deprivation statistics show that sometimes only minor changes are needed to resolve the issue and ensure that you get plenty of rest each night. These changes include improving your sleep habits, having a consistent sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. You should also attempt to limit your sugar intake. When these changes do not resolve the problem, it is time to see a medical professional and have the symptoms you are experiencing evaluated. Conditions like sleep apnea need medical diagnosis and treatment to ensure that your health does not deteriorate and more serious problems do not develop.