Foods That Help Prevent Skin Cancer

Skin cancers has been a headache for the global health forum. As per World Health Organization report, 1 in every 3 cancer patient diagnosed is a skin cancer and currently, the number is alarming. Skin Cancer Foundation says that 1 in every 5 American develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Both Melanoma and non-melanoma category of cancers are increasing day by day. It is observed that development of this disease has a connection with recreational exposure to the sun and a history of sunburn. So, people should be careful about their lifestyle, individual risk factors and their food habit to stay away from the disease.
When it comes to food, research says that external antioxidants in your body, it will prevent the free radical damage related to cancer development. Food having antiangiogenic substances also prevents cancer cells to grow in the body. Let’s list out some food that you should add to your diet.
Shellfish and naturally fatty fish:
This will provide Omega-3s. Have this at least once in a week. Omega-3 fatty acid prevents growth of skin cancer and reduces inflammation. Shellfish have also Zinc in it.
Working group mostly like coffee to tea, but it is suggested to have a cup of green or red tea that contains polyphenol antioxidants. This property in tea helps restrict protein required for skin cancer development.
Foods rich in antioxidant:
You don’t have to hang a list of these foods probably, but you have to make sure that you buy them every time you go to the super market. The list is not a comprehensive one. You consume some of them on a daily basis.
Get some vegetables like, Carrot, spinach, sweet potato, tomato, leafy vegetables, broccoli, etc.
Get some fruits like, apricot, mango, grape fruit, orange, lemon, straw berry, rasp berry, water melon, guava, etc.
Get some nuts and seeds like, almond, Brazil nut, sunflower seeds, soybean, etc.
However, you can Google now to get a list of foods that contain Beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, selenium, zinc, Vitamin A, C, D, and E. The best thing to do is avoid, risk factors like, exposure to sun, working outdoors, extreme sun bath, etc. Though you have some nutrients available through supplements, it is more effective through foods. Taking antioxidants not only helps prevent cancer, it also has a beneficial effect on other diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, etc. Generally, we consider legumes, beef, lamb etc. as source of zinc, but now zinc is available in some rice varieties like DRR Dhan 45. If you like to have rice consider buying them even, you can have fortified rice having zinc content.