Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) – A Deadly Contagious Airborne Disease

Coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV, was responsible for the deadly SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak in Asia in 2003 and the virus quickly travelled across borders and caused secondary cases, triggering a worldwide state of panic with the outbreak of the disease escalating into a global epidemic. SARS is a deadly and contagious air-borne disease. Death can be as fast as within 24 hours in infected people.
Heads of governments scrambled to hold meetings, and the government of China (from where the outbreak reportedly started) took very aggressive measures to curb and contain the disease, including shutting down industries, offices and schools, and imposed a 30 days home quarantine for its citizens. The efforts paid off, and in 18 May 2004, the outbreak was declared to have been successfully contained.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends prompt isolation for all suspected annd probably cases of SARS in an effort to curb the spread, as it reduces contact with other people.
However, for caretakers of the sick patients with flu-like symptoms of suspected SARS cases, some homecare preventive measures must be taken so that the whole family living in the same house is not infected too.
The patient may be given a separate room away from the rest of the family, to recuperate. Home and personal hygiene must be stepped up with cleansing activities such as washing hands, washing clothes, and mopping the floor to keep the environment clean. If possible, instal a good air purifier which can destroy and minimise the amount of coronavirus flying about in the air, which could potentially infect the other family members.