An Overview of Hospital Care in Guayaquil for the Tourist

The largest city of Ecuador, Guayaquil is also one of its busiest and most industrialized cities. The city is one of the most popular tourist spots in South America as it offers superb scenery as well as a lot of different entertainment options. It is sometimes referred to as the “Pearl of the Pacific” and has a number of interesting monuments and cathedrals. Tourists are visiting this city in large numbers recently. The city is one of the most developed in terms of its medical care and treatment fields. Therefore, on a trip to Guayaquil you can be assured that you will be well attended to in the case of a medical emergency.
The hospitals in Guayaquil are all well-funded and have updated standards. These hospitals house the latest equipment and have the necessary facilities for advanced intensive care. The doctors and other staff members are well-trained in their fields. Patients never receive any discriminatory treatment despite the fact that they are non residents. The charges in the hospital are usually lower than those of most hospitals in the United States. The treatments are however, not compromised in any way.
The best hospitals in Guayaquil that both offer first class treatment and are a hugely popular with tourists are Clinica Alcivar, Hospital Clinica Kennedy, Clinica Moderna, Clinica Guayaquil, Clinica Idrobo and the Clinica Kennedy. All these hospitals are privately owned and offer excellent treatment. There are separate wards for emergencies and specialized departments for various types of disorders. Most of the doctors understand English. In any case, if you continue to experience any trouble on the language front, it may be best for you to hire an interpreter. The local students can usually be hired as interpreters as many of them speak English. As a visitor you will never feel let down by the medical services in Guayaquil.
Another important piece of advice for all tourists visiting Guayaquil is to keep their passports and related papers handy as this is their only proof of identity in a foreign land. Make sure that you carry all necessary over the counter medications in sufficient amounts. Bring enough medications to last you for the entirety of your trip. Due to differentiation in the names of certain medicines across the continent, you could end up getting a wrong medication if you try to get it over the counter in Guayaquil.