Amega Global Compensation Plan Review – Pros and Cons

Amega Global produces health and wellness products that are distributed through their binary network marketing system. The company was formed in 2006 by a group of three companies which consists of a wellness product manufacturer, an investment firm and a personal development company. The company’s mission statement is: To open the door of opportunity for people to create an improved way of life through a wellness concept to live life’s desire.
Amega Global has a list of products focusing on four areas of wellness. They are Personal, Nutritional, Environmental, Financial and the company boosts of over 25 years of research and development in the wellness industry. The company’s uses a binary compensation plan at its commission core which I will cover the pros and cons. In addition to their binary plan the company offers a retail profit on personal sales the company provides a Preferred Customer, Fast Start Bonus, Team Generation Bonus, Mega Matching Bonus, Leadership Pools and a Builders Pool.
Pros: The binary compensation plan may at first seem to be a little complicated but in reality is very easy to explain and understand. The pay plan is called binary because each new member is required to personally refer at least two new member of their own in order to qualify for weekly or monthly commissions. The company tracks the growth of these two separate groups and pays weekly commissions when the sales volume from each group meets the minimum level in that pay period which is usually every week. Members who get involved early in the company’s life cycle, have strong leadership in their upline can benefit from a spill over effect when leaders place new signup members below in your group.
Cons: For members joining the system later in its growth cycle will have to rely on their own ability to find and refer new people to the program. As with most programs but especially with a binary, in the beginning a member can benefit from spill over from their upline but sales volume has to be created in two separate legs or groups in order to earn weekly commission. Also as in all network marketing companies each member is responsible for learning how to effectively market and advertise on the internet. As of the time of this article this reviewer has not found one multi level company who provides this very important training.
Amega Global may provide a meaningful income to those who take advantage of the timing of this home based income opportunity with its unique compensation plan. Using wellness and nutritional products to create multiple streams of income will definitely get the attention of the network marketing world.