Advices for Travelling Overseas

Are you going to live overseas? Are you an exchange student? Are you travelling overseas for less than twelve months? Are you teaching overseas? Are you working overseas?
Have you thought about your health cover?
Of course, we’d all like to think we’ll be alright, however it is wise to expect the unexpected. Unfortunately, when you travel abroad you do face increased risks to your health and safety. We do tend to think that we will be able to receive adequate medical care in Public or Government Hospitals, free of charge, and for a quick one-off visit this may well be the case. Public hospitals can be very good and the quality of medical and surgical care may well be excellent but the other services offered may not be up to the standard that you have come to expect. What if something develops that takes longer to cure? The bills can mount up alarmingly. How much will it all end up costing? Have you thought about pregnancy, and the pre and post natal care that you would want to receive for yourself, or wife and newborn baby? Would you want your sick child to spend several days or maybe even weeks in a Government hospital in a crowded public ward where most of the staff may not be able to speak English very well?
This is where we come in. Our company Globalsurance offers the best possible advice about international health insurance and international medical insurance.
We are an international health insurance advisor who specializes in global medical and health insurance for expatriates and world travellers. We are able to offer excellent service to our clients anywhere in the world. Our extensive network and communications now extend far beyond Hong Kong where we were founded, into USA, the UK and Europe and the Middle East. Therefore GlobalSurance worldwide health insurance will make your stay overseas more secure and free from worry.
All our consultants have global experience, and are able to offer expert advice on the full range of international plans available. We understand the difficulty of finding comprehensive information from one independent source. Therefore to assist you we have thorough knowledge of all the international medical plans available. To put your mind at rest about our credentials, we are regulated by the Insurance Authority of Hong Kong and therefore we are required to meet the very highest operating and fiscal standards.
We have Individual Plans, Group Plans, Travel Plans and Teacher Plans, all of which are quoted free and supported by the most responsive and professional administration service in the global health and medical insurance market. We are an independent advisor and work with all the major insurance companies. We can give you independent advice or a range of free International Health Insurance Quotes. Please visit our website at to answer all your questions. This is a comprehensive, clear and easily navigated website sure to give you the best possible online access to services and advice.