5 Health Issues Confronting Women Scuba Divers

Although women have to deal with pertinent health issues in the conduct of scuba diving activities, this should not deter them from engaging in this fun recreational sport. With proper skills training, expertise in scuba equipment use, observance of precautionary measures and strict discipline; women divers will be able to brush aside thoughts of worries and enjoy the dive. Below is rundown of common health issues confronting women; along with possible measures that can be implemented to address a particular medical condition and related scuba gear to keep women in top shape for the dive.
Premenstrual Syndrome. Women who have a history of succumbing to emotional disorders or the blues before menstruation should seek medical evaluation prior to the diving trip. If a woman is suffering from PMS, it would be best to extend surface intervals for repetitive dives or trim diving depths and bottom times at this particular stage of the menstrual cycle.
Menstruation Period. Studies reveal that women are exposed to greater risks of decompression sickness when diving during their menstruation period. This is due to pertinent hormonal changes that affect the ability of Nitrogen gases to dissolve efficiently from the body. If experience tells you otherwise, it is still advisable for women to either cut back on dive exposure or increase decompression stops when diving during their menstrual period.
Pregnancy (Before and After) . Due to the alteration of body fluids in a woman’s body during pregnancy, what is recommended is to temporarily desist from any diving activity to prevent fetal malformations and injury. After giving birth, women can engage in a few weeks of exercise in order to be fully conditioned for the dive. Women usually can revert to scuba diving a month after child birth.
Lactation. For women who are breastfeeding, dissolved inert gases with the blood and tissues have not been confirmed to promote an adverse effect on the quality of breast milk. Nitrogen does not play any role in metabolism; therefore breastfeeding mothers do not need to worry about its potential toxicity.
Use of Oral Contraceptives. There is no clinical basis to support claims that oral contraceptives will have an adverse effect on the health of women recreational divers. In fact, it has been discovered that the hormone progesterone limits the incidence of cellular damage and the inflammation of tissues; where its use is therefore recommended to prevent related accidents arising from dissolved inert gases in the body.
Scuba Gear Tip for Women Scuba Divers
There’s nothing more than a trendy, top of the line scuba gear to keep pertinent reproductive issues off her mind during a dive. Get high-quality fitting in a wetsuit designed specially for a woman’s body with the Aeris Rio 3/2 Jumpsuit [http://www.scubasuppliers.com/site/1408308/product/60.0321.XX]; which guarantees proper insulation, optimum protection and overall comfort during the dive. The suit’s neoprene material is versatile for use in both warm and cold water environments. This great piece of scuba gear is furthermore designed to provide ultimate flexibility of movement for that great underwater experience.